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Let The Games Begin!!



Ryan and Fran pretty much dominated the Washer Toss field crushing Nancy and I in the final 21 to 2.  Event one was a fun day... next year we'll do double knockout so I don't have to listen to Nicole and Justin whining so much!




Justin took home the win with me coming in second, Ryan in third place, and Steve P rounding out the top 4.  Justin pretty much dominated his table knocking everyone out and joining my table with a massive chip stack.  I was able to chip away at his ridiculous stack but couldn't pull out the upset in the end.  Good game Jute!

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No surprise here... Michelle took home the win for the bowling tournament at Bowlarama in Dartmouth.  Nicole and Steve P weren't far behind her though for second place while Sheldon rounded out the top 4.  I think I had more fun drinking Ciders and playing the arcade games!



I must admit... I wasn't happy with the result here!  After going 7-0 in the round robin and being up 1-0 to Ryan in the final of the 8-ball tourney... finishing second in my favorite event of the season was a bit of a stinger LOL.  I had plenty of chances to put him away but he battled through it to take the win.  Nancy squeaked out a close 3rd place by beating Nicole in their match for 3rd/4th.  Great shooting ladies!



After a controversial scoring screw up on my part, the dart tournament ended in some much discussed debate.  Realizing midway through the tourney that my scoring system was completely flawed and unfair, I made an executive decision to fix it on the fly which didn't sit well with a few people.  I felt bad about it in the end but the right decision was made and only really affected one team (Christina and Steve P) who instead of finishing first place, ended up in 4th place instead.  The top 3 teams all tied with 5 wins each and the overall points total decided the tie breakers which ended with Nicole/Jen finishing 1st... Terry/Fran finishing 2nd and Percy/Nancy finishing 3rd.  Trust me, I learned from this one and all scoring systems and rules will be thought out better and communicated here on the website!



One of the best events of the year and the first 4-person team event of the season turned out to be a blast.  Congrats to the winning team of Steve P, Jen, Nicole, and Justin.  Not sure how Justin even made it through the night after a thunderous ass plant in the first match and another couple spills but he toughed it out!  Jen had to leave early leaving the winning team with only 3 but they still pulled out the win over my team... myself, Michelle, Steve T (playing for Nancy), and Mel.  Ryan's team of Sheldon, Erik (playing for Fran), Jonelle (playing for Janeil), and himself beat Sean's team of Terry, Christina, and Shauna for 3rd place.  I'm pretty sure Terry played most of the night as a one-man team at times while team talks-too-much was busy shooting the shit instead of sweeping so to say he played handicapped is an understatement.  Thanks for being a good sport about it bud!  Can't wait for Crokinole on Jan. 27th at our place!




Another fun night of games with the crew!  A lot of lopsided scores and a few nail biters but in the end it came down to 2 teams battling it out in the final playoff game... Jen/Steve and Ryan/Justin.  Jen/Steve came out of the gates flying with an early 80-0 lead after the first turn!  Jen nearly jumped out of her seat thinking they won but forgot to read the fine print... the final game goes to 100.  That brief moment of celebration almost jinxed them as Ryan and Justin made it a match at 90-80 going into the final turn but Jen/Steve held it together and pulled out the win 100-80 with a dominant final turn.  Honorable mention to third place... Michelle/Janeil who promptly jetted off to the other room to practice as soon as they got drawn partners LOL.  Michelle's coaching must have paid off as they pulled off the 3rd place finish.  I have to throw this in there... I'm not sure how this is even possible but Fran/Adelaide made Average Joe Cup history by not scoring a single point in any of their 7 matches.  Be honest Fran... you must have planned it!  Then my second thought immediately was... "what a bunch of jerks we are to not even give them a point!"  LOL  Thanks for being good sports ladies!  Next up... Axe throwing.  Nothing bad ever comes from mixing booze and sharp projectiles right?  Hope everyone signed their waivers!!

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Another fun night and some close battles!  In the end the team that kicked the most Axe was Team 1... Sean, Percy, Michelle, and Nancy!  First round was a nail biter with Sean, Percy, Michelle, Nancy against Janeil, Steve, Justin, and Alyssa (subbing for Jen).  Final score was 58 to 55.  In the other first round match... Sheldon, Nicole, Mel and a shared score (since Ryan couldn't make it) outlasted Christina, Amanda, Julie, and Fran "The Cougs Crew".  Their final score was 33 to 21.  In the finals, Sean's team beat Sheldon's team decisively for the victory and the 10 points for first!!  Third place went to Janeils team who beat up on the Cougs crew for another decisive win.  Kudo's to the staff at Halimac... pics added below!



A full roster of 16 people showed up at Percy and Michelle's for crib on Friday night (April 1st).  Some big moves in the standings happened as first and second place in the standings (Percy and Nicole) went out 2 straight matches to finish last.  This caused a pretty big shakeup in the top 6.  Michelle and Nancy outlasted the field in the double KO tournament to take the win!  Second place went to Sean and Mel who won 2 of their matches by 1 point and 2 points!  Talk about squeaking out some wins!  3rd place went to Steve and Jen (not that Jen LOL).  On to Board Games next month!


EVENT 10 - BOARD GAMES (Ticket to Ride/Tock)

A fun night of games and laughs!  A bit chaotic at times and some lessons learned for next season, mainly, DO NOT ATTEMPT TO RUN 2 GAMES IN A SINGLE EVENT!  My head still hurts from the math.

In any case, the night turned out to be a good time as usual.  Ryan ran away with it by winning both Ticket to Ride and Tock (Marbles).  He didn't stop there!  He also won the 50/50 draw for $70!  He not only had a horseshoe up his ass but I think half the horse with it!  Ryan had a maximum of 32 points for his combined score for both events and took home the 16 points for first place in the overall standings!

Second place went to Nicole with a final overall tally of 28 which netted her 15 AJC points.  I squeaked out a 3rd place finish with 27 pts while Sheldon rounded out the top 4 with 25 pts.  Honourable mention to Nancy in 5th.  Can't wait for mini-putt next month!!

Click Here for the full event scoring details: Event 10


Michelle wins her 4th event of the season and jumps up to 3rd place in the standings passing Ryan, Steve P, and Nicole.  Top 4 were:





Was a lot of fun whacking balls around with everyone!  Not my favourite event but still had a blast.  The only 2 hole-in-one's on the day went to Michelle and Mel.  The girls must be pretty good at whacking balls cause they ended up having 7 of the top ten positions!  Of course Ryan and Steve P sat this one out and got zeroes.  Sorry guys, couldn't get subs!  ON TO THE AJC FINALS ON JULY 1ST!!  SEE YA THERE!


Season 1 comes to a close and as the title implies... it was chaos!

Lots of funs, lots of drinks, lots of memories!!


But in the end... there could only be one Average Joe Cup CHAMP!  ME!

Top 4 finishers were:
1st - Percy

2nd - Nancy

3rd - Michelle

4th - Nicole

What a season it was!  I can honestly say it turned out better than I expected.  There were a few bumps in the road and a lot of lessons learned but I promise, season 2 will be even better!  Thanks to everyone for making these special memories with me.  Special shout outs to Janeil and Jen for taking pics for the site all season.  To Fran for always helping out and volunteering to be a co-director for Season 2 along with Michelle and Nancy.  And a huge thanks to Christina and Sean for always letting us trash their place!  LOL


Here's to an awesome Season 2!!  See you in August!!

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